
Success Story:

House of Suntory

House of Suntory | INK PR
Job Scope
Public Relations (Traditional & Digital) & Influencer Engagement
Spring 2022 – Spring 2024

Create awareness and excitement for House of Suntory’s seasonal campaigns, introducing new reasons to consume through creative bar collaborations amplified with strategic public relations and KOL engagement activities.

RM 8.6 M+

PR Value

1.3 K +


5.6 M +


INK delivered a spirited blend of traditional and digital PR support, playing a pivotal role in crafting, shaking up, and execution of promotional campaigns for House of Suntory’s diverse range of spirits including Roku Gin, Haku Vodka, Chita Whiskey, Sui Gin and Kakubin.

Through collaborative and strategic approaches, INK distilled significant relationships with media outlets and influencers within the vibrant spirits’ landscape. This concerted effort was aimed at stirring up awareness for the brand’s collaborations with various cocktail establishments.

  • Roku Spring Celebration
  • Roku Summer Celebration
  • Roku Mother’s Day
  • Roku Chinese New Year
  • House of Suntory World Martini Day
  • House of Suntory Autumn Celebration
  • Kakubin Launch
  • Sui Gin Launch
  • Roku Sakura Bloom Launch


Through a harmonious integration of traditional and digital publicity efforts, INK has been instrumental in keeping the buzz going on the brands in Malaysia.

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